Great Aussie Bush Camp!

On Wednesday 24th-26th May 2017 I went to great Aussie Bush Camp! We arrived at GABC (Great Aussie Bush Camp) at 11:45am and people kept on talking over Curt (instructor) in the group allocation.

Eventually, we got to activities and we didn’t have enough room in each activity so we got assigned into groups of 20. I was in group 1 with Sammy (another instructor).

We got to do pioneering first and then staple climb. Since I am sometimes afraid of heights I couldn’t do the entire staple climb. I only got about a quarter of the way. Anyway, off to how pioneering went.  We built a stretcher and then a catapult. We used a stretcher to collect tennis balls (we were carrying someone on it and they were collecting the tennis balls) and a catapult to launch the tennis balls (with a helmet). Then we headed off to an activity (still part of pioneering) where all 20 students had to try to balance on a crate that was about 50cm square.

On the second day it was excursion day. We went to the rainforest at 8:00am. We arrived at 8:30am and spent about an hour there. We saw a kissing tree which you might think that they love each other but they actually hate each other. Some people were tripping over the roots. Our next thing was the sand dunes. We were climbing up the sand dunes but none of them were anything compared to the last one. It was about 10 feet in the air! Anyway, when we got back we did fencing then high ropes.

On the third and last day we did dual flying fox and bushcraft ( I wasn’t scared of dual flying fox) and we cooked damper in bushcraft. Bye GABC!



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